Christine Gunter, RN, BSN - a true example of why nurses are so important to the chemical dependency field.
Posted 28 days ago by Susan Doyle
NACDN Members,
I wanted to share about the passing of a colleague and NACDN member Chrisine Gunter, RN, BSN who passed away last month.
Christine worked tirelessly as a nurse for 45years in Baltimore, MD in both hospital and community settings, and for the past 20 years at Man Alive, Inc., an outpatient treatment program providing MOUD. As staff members and patients processed her loss, I heard heart felt stories about how “she made a difference in my recovery”, “made me feel like a person and not my disease”, “she listened”, and “she was like a mom to me”. As the nurse care manager, Christine took joy in helping others better manage chronic health conditions and improve their quality of life. With nurses like Christine, it is no wonder that nursing is the most trusted profession in the U.S., and why nursing is so important to the chemical dependency field.
A remarkable addition to her funeral service was a tribute from the Maryland Nurse Honor Guard, one of 250+ volunteer chapters around the country that honor any nurse that has “dedicated their lives to the profession of nursing”.
Christine was more than deserving of this honor.
As I had not heard of this organization before, I thought I would share the information with fellow nurses.
Susan Doyle
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